Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Pergerakan Online Shop di Indonesia

Online shop semakin merajalela, itu fakta. Dulu mulai menjamur di Jakarta, kemudian dengan jasa tiki dan kurir lainnya, fashionista seluruh Indonesia mulai mengecap enaknya online shopping. Apalagi di daerah rural di mana fashion lucu-lucu dan modern susah dicari.

aku sendiri mulai gemar online shopping sejak setahun lalu. Mulai dari terkenalnya shop seperti Happineesh, Valere la Pena dan Kandang Sapi Buntal, lalu online shopping seperti spora yang menjamur ke mana-mana. Pokoknya, sekarang online shopping jadi satu ajang gaul sendiri.. sebuah wacana window shopping yang irit, murah dan cepat.

Sebetulnya online shopping sendiri udah dimulai dan udah banyak sejak tahun 1997-an di mana internet dan website di Indonesia baru mulai boom, mIRC boom, dan toko online mulai dibuka. Istilahnya generasi awal2 internet.

Waktu itu Indonesia termasuk salah satu negara yang diperhitungkan sekali, di mana2 ada direktori untuk negara Indonesia, dan toko2 online seperti Lippo, Gado-gado, Toko bunga, Indogift, hingga yang sekarang masih berjalan diantaranya Glodokshop, Weddingku, Bhinneka, dan tentunya Simplight, mulai berjalan dan mulai berkembang. Waktu itu bahkan Paypal sudah punya gateway untuk Indonesia, tapi sayangnya saat - saat itu juga saat di mana para hacker Indonesia merajalela. Banyak carding yg dilakukan dan dari segi sistem pengamanan juga masih kurang. Jadi ya kelanjutannya jelas, Indonesia dianggap sebagai salah satu negara yg tidak aman dan terlalu banyak hacker. :P Maka gateway pembayaran pun ditutup.

Tidak lama kemudian, dot com mengalami kejatuhan. Orang2 yang sebelumnya mengira internet adalah media yg powerful sehingga berinvestasi besar - besaran untuk internet, mengalami kerugian yang besar, juga termasuk mereka yg terkena penipuan oleh para hacker. FYI, waktu itu untuk membuat sebuah situs tidak mudah dan tidak murah karena baru sedikit orang yg bisa melakukannya dan belum tersedianya tools2 yg dibutuhkan seperti skrg. Biaya untuk pembuatan situs sendiri bisa mencapai puluhan hingga ratusan juta rupiah ataupun dollar. Tergantung dari kapasitas situs nya sendiri.

Kalau sekarang, semua serba gampang. Ya contohnya ada facebook, friendster, multiply, flickr, twiter dan lain - lainnya yg bisa digunakan sebagai media berjualan. Hanya saja memang ada perbedaan baik dari segi fungsi, keuntungan dan kerugiannya saat menggunakan situs2 komunitas seperti itu maupun situs biasa.

Tapi perlu diingat, saat kita membicarakan tentang toko atau bisnis online, ada dua jenis sebetulnya yang jadi acuan. Satu adalah bisnis yang sesungguhnya yang memang ditujukan untuk dijadikan sebuah usaha penuh, satu lagi bisnis sampingan yang hanya ditujukan sebagai home bisnis. Nah, cara approach dan sistematis dari kedua jenis skala bisnis ini juga berbeda. :) Jadi dari segi penjual juga harus memahami sisi ini.

Belanja online ada susah senangnya, memang. Aku sendiri sudah mengalami pahit manisnya belanja tanpa bisa menyentuh. Mata harus benar-benar jeli, tapi walau sudah jeli pun kadang masih missed, apalagi banyak foto yang bisa di-enhance dan dipercantik menggunakan Adobe.

Online shopping itu susah-susah gampang. Keenakannya tentu saja terletak di kecepatan bertransaksi, dengan setoran ATM atau online banking saja uang langsung terkirim tanpa fee yang tinggi *kadang bahkan free!* Lalu barang diantar tanpa kita harus repot ngantri, mencoba, dan keliling mall. Berhubung macet lumayan parah dan waktu terbatas. Kita juga mendapat akses untuk baju impor maupun lokal yang desain dan modelnya jarang tersedia di mal. Biasanya, baju online murah-murah, bahkan ada yang memasang harga di atas 30ribu (hati-hati, kualitas tidak selalu oke), sampai 300an ribu. Kita juga bisa menawar, bisa memilih lebih leluasa, bisa menjalin hubungan baik dengan penjual, dan belanja dengan beberapa klik mouse dan keyboard. Model baju juga cepat berganti sesuai trend dalam maupun luar negeri, misalnya akhir-akhir ini puluhan pilihan tersedia untuk sunnies, baju bermotif batik, dan tas kanvas. Semuanya berputar secepat trend membawa kita. Menyenangkan, kan?

Ah. Here comes the tricky part. Banyak banget kasus penipuan yang menggema di dunia online shop, ikut mencoreng beberapa seller yang jualannya menumpang di Multiply termasuk saya. Ada kasus penipuan tas branded yang ternyata palsu. Barang yang tak terkirim walau sudah dilunasi. Barang cacat dan tidak sesuai. Saya sering sekali menerima barang yang berkualitas buruk, apalagi karena saya tidak bisa mencoba sendiri barang yang saya beli atau memegang bahannya. Kecewa sudah pasti, tapi itu kan resiko.

Untuk baju dan sepatu yang biasa harus dicoba sendiri, kita harus ekstra hati-hati dengan ukuran. Banyak belanjaan yang akhirnya gak terpakai karena jatuhnya kurang pas di badan. Juga tas, kadang bahannya kurang bagus dan jahitannya gak rapi.

Makanya di Indonesia kini terbentuk Komunitas Online Shop . Alangkah baiknya kalau seller dan buyer ikutan join di sini untuk mengikuti perkembangan online shopping di Indonesia - mulai dari list seller dan buyer yang diblokir, daftar penipu di dunia maya, juga iklan-iklan barang terbaru dan tren yang bergerak.

Sebenarnya online shopping itu seru! Banyak sih yang kurang suka belanja online, tapi saya senang belanja yang cepat, efisien dan tidak makan banyak waktu, walau kadang-kadang ada juga yang mengecewakan :) Kalau kamu sendiri?

Senin, 18 Januari 2010

2PM To Concentrate On Solo Activities

2PM To Concentrate On Solo Activities

With Heartbeat promotions finally wrapping up this evening, it has been announced that 2PM will be taking a break as a group so taht individual members can pursue individual activities for a while.

JYP Entertainment expressed on January 17 that 2PM’s last activities for now would take place that day on Inkigayo. “The members are going to take time to rest and work in various solo activities,” a rep said.

It has been confirmed that Taecyeon and Wooyoung will continue as MCs on SBS Inkigayo, and Taecyeon will begin filming for his role on Family Outing Season 2 at the end of this month. Furthermore, Nichkhun will begin filming for The Shining Diploma next month. Junsu, Junho and Chansung will also have various solo activities of their own during this break period of sorts.

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

Lee Min-ho To Make Comeback In New Drama

Lee Min-ho To Make Comeback In New Drama

Korean actor Lee Min-ho is set to make a comeback to the small screen in April, according to television broadcaster MBC on Monday.

The actor has been cast for the lead role in a new MBC TV series, tentatively titled "Personal Taste", which is based on a novel of the same title by Korean writer Lee Se-in.

Lee will play the role of Jun Jin-ho, who pretends to be a gay man in order to become roommates with a woman who wants to live with a gay male friend.

An MBC drama executive explained that Lee's combination of "a sophisticated image and the appeal of a man" was perfect for the part and for fulfilling female viewers' fantasies. He also added that Lee's "gripping dramatic presence and his shameless acting" will be convincing for the viewers.

"I decided to do the drama as soon as I read the script", the actor was quoted as saying.

The 22-year-old actor, who debuted in 2005, rose to stardom after starring in the smash hit "Boys Over Flowers" last year. The drama co-starred Korean actress Koo Hye-sun and idol group member Kim Hyun-joong of SS501.

"Taste" is scheduled to air around April after "The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry" ends its run.

Kim So Eun’s New Drama

Kim So Eun’s New Drama

Rookie actress Kim So Eun has been cast as the main character in the KBS1 daily sitcom “A Good Day For The Wind To Blow” (pending official name). The drama will start at the end of February. She will portray the character Kwon Oh Bok.

“A Good Day For The Wind To Blow” is a much anticipated work from Lee Deok Geun PD and writer Lee Deok Je, who have worked together in “The Bizarre Bunch”. The story centers around Kwon Oh Bok, who was raised like an orphan but grew to be a cheerful girl who would not give up her dream to become an illustrator.

Kim So Eun will play opposite of Kang Ji Seob.

Kim So Eun recently received “Rookie of the Year” award from KBS for her roles in “Boys Over Flowers” and “The Man Who Can’t Get Married”.

“A Good Day For The Wind To Blow” will also feature actors Lee Hyun Jin, Kim Mi Sook, Jin Yi Han, etc. The poster shooting will occur on the 10th, and the filming will start soon.

BIG BANG Interview For Japan Daily Sport

BIG BANG Interview For Japan Daily Sport

Leader GD’s words of love (and criticism) to the other members?
"This is hard. Let’s see.. Daesung is a bit too mature for his age. It always feels like he’s looking after everyone. It would be nice if he acted more cute and dongsaeng-like. TOP hyung is a type of person who gets sick of things really easily. He has no persistence. If it’s something he likes he gets really into it but he also gets over it really quickly. It would be nice if he could maintain his feelings. I want Taeyang to fall in love, since he never has before. It’s an important experience for artists. It doesn’t have to be a girlfriend, maybe even just a friend. It would be nice if he got a girlfriend though. Seungri should get out more often. He needs to mature. (Seungri: What??! WHAAT??!) Me? I want to expand my outlook on life. I want to become a leader that the other members will trust and follow."

BigBang Profile - answered below by each member
1) Birthday (will not be answered below, already known)
2) Something they treasure
3) Something that surprised them in Japan
4) Japanese food they like
5) Japanese food they can’t/don’t eat
6) Favourite Japanese phrase/word
7) Favourite Japanese celebrity
8) What they do on their days off
9) Food they can cook well
10) Most attractive feature

2) My Almighty Bag
3) The driver’s seat is on the other side, so when I first came I was like “OMG NO ONE’S DRIVING!”
4) Curry
5) Umeboshi
6) KiraKira (sparkle sparkle)
7) Hirai Ken
8) I eat my food really slowly. And I stay at home all day.
9) Anything
10) My vigorous, happy spirit

"Cooking is my specialty. I can make kimchi jjigae really well. (laughs) The secret to my Daesung-style Kimchi Jjigae is instant noodle soup packets. It makes it taste really good. When we lived in Korea, I often made it for the other members. I’d also put in haricot beans sometimes. When I’m alone I don’t really cook much, but I do quite a lot when we’re all together.
My Almighty Bag? Everyone calls it that’s kinda embarrassing. (bitter smile) It’s a bag that I carry around no matter where I go. It’s got bandaids and food and handwarmers and stuff… it’s got everything. (laughs) (“So that you can help your members when they’re in trouble?”) Yeah. (laughs)
Though I may be second youngest, I know I’m mentally one of the oldest. I consider myself an ‘adult’."

2) Pet dog, Boss (male Boston Terrier)
3) Japanese CD stores are so big
4) Curry, Ramen, Yakiniku
5) I like everything
6) Blank
7) Shimizushota Ai
8) Practises piano
9) Noodles
10) My singing voice

"I was really surprised when I first came to Japan because of how big the CD stores are! Everytime we came to Japan, I would go to a CD store and buy a new hip hop or R&B album. Though we don’t have the time to anymore. (bitter smile)
To tell the truth, we haven’t had this much free time in 3 years. There was always so much to do. But I think you have to do what you have to in life before you can start to enjoy it.
,Although the single “Fall In Love”, a collaboration with Thelma Aoyama, is due to be released on the 27th, my “Must-do List” for this year is to create more solo songs.
I’m planning to release a solo album.
The first thing on my “Want-to-do List” is going to Okinawa! I’ve always wanted to go there but I’ve never had the time. It has to be for a vacation though, not just for a concert or part of a tour. The ocean is really beautiful there so I want to go diving."

2) Friends
3) The villages are really clean
4) Crab
5) Nothing. I like everything
6) “Naruhodo” (indeed), “Koreomoshiroina~” (This is fun~) “Soodesune” (I see)
7) Nakashima Mika
8) I sleep for 24 hours
9) Dwenjang Jjigae
10) My kindness

“I have good pronunciation no matter what language I speak. Maybe it’s because my specialties are rapping and imitating others. Maybe that’s why people think I can fluently speak languages that I can’t, so at like interviews or press conferences people ask me to answer in more detail. It kinda spoils the mood sometimes. (laughs) My favourite Japanese phrases are “Naruhodo” and “Soodesune”. It’s shows you’re paying attention.
On my days off, I sleep no matter what. I’m always busy so I don’t get much time to sleep, so when I’m not busy I sleep for 24 hours! My record is 36 hours. (laughs) It’s a recent record. I didn’t even eat, just went to the toilet first and slept for 2 days.
Desires? I want a girlfriend! (determined smile)
(“Wouldn’t you be too busy to see her often?”) It’s ok. Just having one would be great.
(“You wouldn’t be able to sleep on your days off.” I don’t have to if I get a girlfriend. I don’t sleep on my days off, who told you that? (laughs) It’s ok though! I have my pet Gaho to cheer me up. (1 Year old Chinese Sharpei) In Korea, he’s more famous than I am. (laughs) I’ve had him since he was 8 months old but he grows so fast it’s scary sometimes! He’s already thiiis big! (spreads his arms) He’s at school at the moment though. Studying things like SIT! and TURN AROUND!"

2) My rings
3) They have so many products with anime characters
4) Sushi, raw fish
5) Umeboshi
6) Bacchishi!
8) Making songs for my solo album
9) Cocktails
10) Blank

“The thing that surprised me the most was that they have so many varieties of BearBrick (bear-shaped block figurines). I like BearBricks so I collect them; one side of my room is completely buried with BearBricks. I have about a thousand. (laughs) Whenever I came to Japan, I would buy a bunch of new ones but since we don’t have time to shop anymore… My favourite Japanese phrase is “ikuradesuka” (how much is it?) – Since it’s the most important phrase to know. (laughs) I also like “bacchiridesu” and “bacchishi”. (I think they mean like, awesome)
Well it’s not really something I can ‘cook’ well, but sometimes when I drink with my friends I make cocktails. Like fruit cocktails for people who aren’t heavy drinkers.
Later this year I’m going to be the main character in a movie directed by Lee JaeHan, director of “A Moment To Remember”. It’s based on war, and co-stars include Kwon Sangwoo. (We’ve already started filming, but I’m trying to focus on this for a while.)
I want to show a different side to me that I haven’t been able to show as a part of BIGBANG."

2) Books
3) They sell meal tickets even for toppings!
4) Gyudon
5) Umeboshi
6) “Nantonaku” (No wonder) (It’s a new phrase I learnt recently) “Utsukushii” (beautiful)
7) Toda Erika (I wanna be friends with her hehe), Miyazaki Aoi
8) I watch movies or dramas
9) Kimchi Jjigae
10) My dancing

“When I first found out about them (meal tickets) I was sooo surprised! It’s amazing that they can even buy toppings with them!
I have to have egg with my gyudon. Always. I also order kimchi.
I’m learning Japanese through Japanese dramas or variety shows. So I only know how to speak conversationally. I watch stuff like “Boys Before Flowers” and “Nodame Cantabile”. I’ve recently started watching Sakurai Sho’s “The Quiz Show”. And I just watched “Conditions of a Witch” (from 1999) after listening to a song from it. Who sang it? (hums)
Ahhh, Utada Hikaru. She’s so famous.
My favourite Japanese actress would be Miyazaki Aoi.”

Member Analysation by the Members
1) The person who likes things to be clean the most: G-DRAGON
2) The person who creates mess the most: TOP
3) The person who cooks the best: D-LITE
4) The person who dresses up the most: TOP
5) The person who is hardest to wake up: G-DRAGON
6) If BIGBANG was a family, what roles would everyone have?
YB = Mum
GD = Dad
Seungri = Neighbour
TOP = Baby
Daesung = Eldest child

Horror Show ~horeosyo~ Ft Kang Ho Dong, W & Whale

[KHD] siberian yaseng sookut horangi
naneun noogool jabamukneun mabubsa
nideulae mameul salojabneun MC
MC mongiyeo youngwonhala~at

kamkamhan kamkamhan ibamae nollaekilla (nollaekilla)
amoodo moleugae bun gaeboda bbaleugae
akdongae moodaekilla bbunbbunhan deulakyoola
gubnaejimalgo welcome to the horror show

aehaeladiya nolanabolanda jichin bamilado
aehaeladiya nolabolanda mitgo
jichin younghoneul eoloogo dallaeneun
teukgeub horror show
sahwae eh bubdo gyoochikdo deunggeubdo
oneulbam mankeumeun pilyeo ubssuh

welcome to the haunted house ggamjjak nollal scream and shout
onmomi hwak soleumi jjwak eodoomeul balkyeojwuh halloween now

dr. mongkenstein, everybody come to life
modoo modoo ileona modoo modoo come to life

kamkamhan kamkamhan ibamae nollaekilla (nollaekilla)
amoodo moleugae bun gaeboda bbaleugae
akdongae moodaekilla bbunbbunhan
gubnaejimalgo welcome to the horror show

kamkamhan (kamkamhan) kamkamhan bamae BEATneun ddadada ddabalchong sori
yuldooshi ddeng hamyun jombieyeo
joomooneul geoleobwa (ahahaha) oogigi bbang bbang

bbaejijomma heundeuleobwa boyilak mallak time to rock
boleumdal ddeumyuneun neukdaelo
byunhaeyo (a~oo)
dooli to gyem nae Empire saranggwa inseng gamoli ggayeo
ileona higher eodoomae fire jooki anneun vampire

dr. mongkenstein, everybody come to life
modoo modoo ileona modoo modoo come to life

kamkamhan kamkamhan ibamae nollaekilla (nollaekilla)
amoodo moleugae bun gaeboda bbaleugae
akdongae moodaekilla bbunbbunhan
gubnaejimalgo welcome to the horror show

yo. show me what you got. REMIX
a oleunjjok a wenjjok a gubnaeji malgo (siberian)
a oleunjjok a wenjjok a soleumi
ggichil (yaseng yaseng)
a oleunjjok a wenjjok a geudaedeulae motion (sukut horangi)
a oleunjjok a wenjjok a to my horror show (youngwon hara)

sesangae jichyeo beolil jeumeun nun gubnaeji malgo (gubnaeji malgo)
doonggeun bami bitnago taeyangi ddeulggeoya
taeyang dwileul ddalado nun doolyeowuh malgo (nun doolyeowuh malgo)
geudeulae seulpeumi bitnago taeyangi ddeulggeoya

you can't run
you can't hide
dracula is in the night
you can't hide
you can't run
another show's just begun

you can't run
you can't hide
dracula is in the night
you can't hide
you can't run
welcome to the horror show

Love You Till Death feat. Lena Park

juk do rog geu dae reur juk do rog
juk do rog geu dae reur juk do rok
juk do rog geu dae reur juk do rog
juk do rog juk do rok
geu daer bol su rog haeng bok hae us eo jwo
Make me smile baby
Don′t let′s me cry
sa rang e ppa jin nae nun eur bwa
nun i a nin ga seum i mar eur ha janh a
geu daer bo myeo ut janh a
sa rang e mwo ga pir yo hae
tto mwor ba ra myeon ba ral su rog a peul geor
till the end I`ll be you`r man
ni ga won ha deon na ya yes I am
oe ro um e ga kkeum mi chir ttae
u ri bae ga ga ra ant go iss eur ttae
neo neun nae ge yu il han gu myeong jo kki
na reur bi chwo jwo o na ui bul bic
bring bring bring it together
gi eok hae bic na neun sa rang eur ju get deon
bring bring bring it together
geu dae reur juk do rog sa rang hae ju
nae sim jang e bur eur but yeo jwo
tteu geo un bur e tto ba ram eur bur eo jwo
su baeg beon go baek hae nae wi dae han sa rang a
Let`s keep it hot i gotta keep it hot
neor bol su rog haeng bok hae us eo jwo
sa rang e ppa jin nae nun eur bwa
nun i a nin ga seum i mar eur ha janh a
geu daer bo myeo ut janh a
ga man hi iss eo do si gan eun heu reu go
i si gan i heu reu myeon seo jug eum e mat dae go
pyeong saeng eur sa rang i ran du geul ja man sseu da ga
sim jang eun neo mu dalh a sa rang eur mos neu kkyeo
nae sa rang eun pu reun de ji gu neun sseog eo ga
yeong won hi nun eu ro sa rang eur ba ra bwa
il cha won jeog in in gan deur ui se sang
sa rang eur mol la geu ge u ri ne ja hwa sang
pyeong saeng eur nam ui ir i na geo deul da
ir i ran jok swae e on mom eun meong deul da
naeng jeong han ga seum eun sa ram deur oe myeon e
sseog eo ga jjit gyeo ga nae ju wi sa ram deul kka ji tteo na ga
ma eum i ga nan han ja deur eun
sa rang i ran meo na meon na ra ui sin gi ru
ma eum i ga nan han ja deur eun
sa rang i ran meo na meon na ra ui sin gi ru
neon yeong won han syu peo seu ta kkwag an a jwo
hold me tight
bu jok han na ttaem e nal gae ga kkeokk in
ha neur e seo nae ryeo on na ui cheon sa
neon yeong won han syu peo seu ta
nae sa rang eun eon je na bul ta
geo chin bi ba ram meok gu reum e ga ryeo do
i se sang e geu dae ga je ir bic na
neon yeong won han syu peo seu ta kkwag an a jwo
hold me tight
bu jok han na ttaem e nal gae ga kkeokk in
ha neur e seo nae ryeo on na ui cheon sa
neon yeong won han na ui cheon sa

MC Mong Feat. NAVI - Simple Love

jongmal duryeoum seulpeum huhoe
urin neomu manheun geoseul wonhaetdeon geon anilkka
deuleobwa Simple Love (Simple Love)

One right One so
You & I Simple Love (Simple Love)
One right One so
You & I Simple Love
One right One so
You & I Simple Love (Simple Love)
One right One so
You & I Simple Love

Yo sarangeun eoryeowoseo dabeun eopseo
waenji hinteuneun itjiman tto Rule eun eopseo
alssongdalssong moruel deut sarange
oneuldo ni sanggakman namyeon naneun naneun michigesseo
neo eoptneun sarangeun sarang gatjiga anheo
I`II be with you whenever you go
you can got a be a friend baby not anymore

One right One so One high
You & I Simple Love
pyeongsaengeul geolgo chuguhae nagal tema
geudaega jungsim baro nae insaengui deurama
One right One so One high
You & I Simple Love
sarangiraneun geon ihaehagi eoryeoun geot
geureona neukkyeobolsurok neomuna Simple han Love

neoui sarang hana geugeot ppuniya
naega baraneungeon tto wonhaneungeon
han geoleumssik dagagalge saranghae Simple Love

Yeah se wolui siganeun geokkuro dollyeo
jiguruel subakwi dolda mannan jeokjeolhan timing
haneuli heorakhae jun yeong wonhan Soulmate
eojjeolsu eopseo ije Stand by, by me
geudaeneun nae yeonghone sarangeul jun
nae simjangui jungsim machi sigyeui chu
geudaega chueok yeongwonhan memory chip

One right One so One high
You & I Simple Love
pyeongsaengeul geolgo chuguhae nagal tema
geudaega jungsim baro nae insaengui deurama
sarangui mabeobi huimihaejiji anhdorok
donghaemulgwa baekdusani yeongwonhi dalhdorok
Simple han sarange tto nae yeoljeongeul bachyeo
forever you & me, you itneun nalkkaji

neoui sarang hana geugeot ppuniya
naega baraneungeon tto wonhaneungeon
han geoleumssik dagagalge saranghae Simple Love

One right One so One high
You & I Simple Love
neoruel hyanghan gido nae sarangeul mideo Simple Love
One right One so One high
You & I Simple Love
neoruel hyanghan gido nae sarangeul mideo Simple Love

tto naegen neon
niga ganeun gile nareul deryeogajwo
cheoncheonhi neol gatgo sipeo saranghae Simple Love

One right One so One high
You & I Simple Love
neoruel hyanghan gido nae sarangeul mideo Simple Love
One right One so One high
You & I Simple Love
neoruel hyanghan gido nae sarangeul mideo Simple Love

MC Mong - Indian Boy

HAW ! Watangka janggeuni po Louder Louder
Hey ! Album no.5 humanimal With MC Mong
Adventures of M.O.N.G

Naneun indi oh indi oh indi-an boy
Naye hwasaleun ni shimjangeul karikiko
Bitnaneun ohneulbam keudaewa nan chumeulchueo
Naneun indi oh indi-an boy boy boy boy

Naneun indi uh indi uh Fratipo Jeradi Mong
Jeonggeul super supi uneul keuneol nohchil sun eobseo not any more
Nae hwasali hwalneun dolkati neoui shimjangeul ddolheo
Nae jinshili keumoleun haneuljeoreom neolbeo nae sarangeul nakkeo

Neoui moningkiseuseun (morning kiss) naeui ahchimbab
Kileul ilheobeorin naeken neon nachimban
Neoreul mannakijeon nan nun meon jamsubu neon jinheulk soke jinju

I will do I will do neka mami byeonhaedo
Neoui sarangeul jikineun indian boy

Naneun indi oh indi oh indi-an boy
Naye hwasaleun ni shimjangeul karikiko
Bitnaneun ohneulbam keudaewa nan chumeulchueo
Naneun indi oh indi-an boy boy boy boy

Elleseukareul neomeo ah ! nayakarakangeul geoneo ah !
Jigu baneol dolah uri dul mane nagwoneul jieo ouh ! Ouh ! Ouh !

Supi teojyeobeoril deuthae keudae eolkulkwa soni matdaheul ddae
Ih ddeukeoeun bameul bultae ulkae
Ih ddeukeoeun bameul bultae ulkae

Samake moraeneun cheomchuko
Haneule byuleun ibeul majchuko
Naekaseumen shimjang nae meori uien neo

Know Know Know U gotta Know my love
Holradae holradae (HA) holradae holradae (HOO) holradae holradae (HA)
Hwanhageo useojui just like that

Naneun indi oh indi oh indi-an boy
Naye hwasaleun ni shimjangeul karikiko
Bitnaneun ohneulbam keudaewa nan chumeulchueo
Naneun indi oh indi-an boy boy boy boy

Yes ! Humanimal Collaboration With your Boy B.I
Ki jakeun ahirako nuka moira nareul mushihaedo
Don't stop it make some noise We get it popping like an indian boy~

Bikawado (nuniwado) muneojyeodo (sseureojyeodo)
Nakkeutkkaji keudaeman jikyeojundako
Cuz I will do (cuz I will do) I'll do anything for you
Naneun indi oh indi-an boy

Bikawado (nuniwado) muneojyeodo (sseureojyeodo)
Nakkeutkkaji keudaeman jikyeojundako
Cuz I will do (cuz I will do) I'll do anything for you
Naneun indi oh indi-an boy boy boy boy

MC Mong - Ice Cream

Dongseonambuk eodi-eseodo naran eolganineun eopttago
geuraedo neo hanaman saranghandago
shwipkke noga beorin ni ma-eum sangcheobadeun MC Mong
sarangeun a a a a a-isukeurim

Neol cheo-eum bwasseul ttae buteo shimjangeun eoreobuteo
dalkomhan hyanggi-e tteugeopkke mireobutyeo
neukttaedeura jeori bikyeo amuna buteo
i yeojan imi naekkeonikkan jeoribikyeo
naneunya sarange mongmareun nageune
deultteun nae ma-eume ni eolgureul geurine
Gutkke dathin ni mami noga beorige
beorige ppareuge mideumeul hwaginshikyeojulge
oneul bami neomu jjalba ashwiweoseo mot bonaego
ni dariga apeulkkabwa neoreul eopkko jibe gago
nuga bwado sanggwaneopsseo nae yeopeneun niga isseo
neo hanaman saranghandago
I wanna spend my whole life with you
niga eopsseumyeon an dweneun nae apeun iyu
Every time I look at U saranghae
I love you oh~ thank-you

Dongseonambuk eodi-eseodo naran eolganineun eopttago
geuraedo neo hanaman saranghandago
shwipkke noge beorin ni ma-eum sangcheobadeun MC Mong
sarangeun a a a a a-iseukeurim

I will love you think about you dalkomhaettteon uri sarang
I will love you think about you itjjineun ma
forever be with you

Make it hot urineun tteugeopkke
make it hot sarangeul nanweonne
seuteuroberi boda sangkeumhaettteon geunyeo
chokollit boda dalkom haettteon geunyeonde
bulgateun sarangeun geumbang shigeobeorin
mideumeun eoreumcheoreom geumbang nogabeorin
shirigo shirin shwipkke jillyeobeorin dodaeche mweoreul weonhae
do you want it like that (mweoreul weonhae)
break up to make up make up to break up
kkaejigo hwahaehago dashi tto chabeorigo
cheo-eumbuteo kkoyeowattteon uri jageun trouble
nuga igigo jineunyaga neoneun jungyohae
sangcheotuseongin MC Mong
niga tteonaseo naneun jichin mom
oneulbam kkumeul kkweosseo neowa hamkke living it up
wero-ume chireul tteoreo oneulbami neomu gireo

Dongseonambuk eodi-eseodo naran eolganineun eopttago
geuraedo neo hanaman saranghandago
shwipkke noga beorin ni ma-eum sangcheobadeun MC Mong
sarangeun a a a a a-iseukeurim

I will love you think about you dalkomhaettteon uri sarang
I will love you think about you itjjineun ma
forever be with you

I got your back you got my back
Every night oh~ every day
sarangi ireoke chagapkke neukkyeojin jeok eopsseosseo
I got your back you got my back
Every night oh~ every day
neoreul wihae useulge saranghae neol wihae saneun na
dongseonambuk eodi-eseodo naran eolganineun eopttago
geuraedo neo hanaman saranghandago
shwipkke noga beorin ni ma-eum sangcheobadeun MC Mong
sarangeun a a a a a-iseukeurim
jjya jan

MC Mong - Circus

chan ba ram bur ttae nae ge wa jul lae
se sang i mo jil ge geu daer goe rop hir ttae
sin na ge nol ja ut ja han ba tang
ha ha ha ha ha ha
i bam i da har ttae kka ji

il myeong ak ba ri na don beor i e chung sil haet deon
ye neung gye ui byeor i yo kka bul dae deon mong i yo
bic tta ra heun deul heun deur tta ra gat deon ttan tta ra
cho sim eur ilh ji mal go eum ag ha ran beor i da
gwan gaek deur eun je pe to mong i neun pi no ki o
ga kkeum eun dae jung eur sok go sog i neun pi no ki o
geo jit gwa jin sir geu dae deur ui dab i yo
gil go jjalb eun geon
nun dae jung eu ro dae chung ki nop i yo

Ready get set go dae po ro bal sa
on mom eur nal lyeo beo ri go
Ready get set go dae po ro bal sa
nun mur eur nal lyeo beo ri go
a mu ri ppeon ppeon han
si chyu e i syeon eot gal li deo ra do
Just have some fun
Show’s Just begun 4 beon jjae ael beom
mong i wa ham kke seo keo seu e mo du Welcome

chan ba ram bur ttae nae ge wa jul lae
se sang i mo jil ge geu daer goe rop hir ttae
sin na ge nol ja ut ja han ba tang
ha ha ha ha ha ha
i bam i da har ttae kka ji

eon guk min jwa jeol geum ji peu ro jek teu seo keo seu
eum ag e o jig geu dae man eur bi chun po keo seu
il deung gwa kkol jji seung ja wa pae ja
kar i ra do ppob ass eu myeon mu ra do be ja
nun mul jo cha a kka wo seo me ma reun sa ram deul
bang han kan e heo deog yeo seo ga nan han sa ram deul
si ryeon e sseu rin sang cheo tong gok han sa ram deul
jeon guk min jwa jeol geum ji peu ro jek teu seo keo seu

Ready get set go dae po ro bal sa
on mom eur nal lyeo beo ri go
Ready get set go dae po ro bal sa
nun mur eur nal lyeo beo ri go
eo cha pi in saeng eun si teu kom nu ga mwo ra geon
ja gi bap geu reus eun jeong hae jyeo it neun beop
Show’s Just begun 4 beon jjae ael beom
mong i wa ham kke seo keo seu e mo du Welcome

chan ba ram bur ttae nae ge wa jul lae
se sang i mo jil ge geu daer goe rop hir ttae
sin na ge nol ja ut ja han ba tang
ha ha ha ha ha ha
i bam i da har ttae kka ji

deo i sang ul ji mar a yo
gi ga mak hin se sang a peum eun ij eo yo
si gan mat chwo kkog neut ji ma se yo
eo seo mo i se yo sin na neun mong i yu rang dan

han beon deo!
chan ba ram bur ttae nae ge wa jul lae
se sang i mo jil ge geu daer goe rop hir ttae
sin na ge nol ja ut ja han ba tang
ha ha ha ha ha ha
sin na neun mong i yu rang dan

MC Mong Feat. Ivy - I'am..

jal ji nae ni bo go sip eoss eo hal mar i iss eo
ni ga i no raer kkog deut ge dwaess eum joh gess eo
ha ru jong ir du tong ttaem e yak gi un e chwi hae
sseu reo jir deus sseu reo jil deus nan tto cham a ya dwae
ha ru jong ir geu dae sa jin gwa chu eog i gil deun
neom eo jil deus neom eo jil deus nan tto cham a ya hae
mom sar eur alh eu myeon nan neo ui kkum eur kkwo
on mom i ma bi doen deus ma di ma di jeo ryeo
I need you come back Back in to my life
nae ge wa jwo je bar stay by my side
myeoc beon i na he me go tto myeoc beon i na maem dol go
je ja ri ro da si dor a wa seo doe pur i a peu go
pi bu e mal la but eun nae nun mur ja guk do
ji wo jir deus ji wo jir dus nan tto cham a ya hae
ga kkeum ni i reum neo ui so sig i deul lir ttae ma da
son kkeut i oe wo beo rin ni beon ho reur ij eu ryeo go
bal beo dung eur chi da ga ga kkeum eun nul leo bo da ga
nan geu reoh ge ji nae mi ryeon ha ge
gi eok na ni geu ttae geu ga ge ham kke bon yeong hwa
neo wa he eo jyeo han beon ssig da si bwass eoss eo
ye ppeun jang myeon e do meos it neun jang myeon e do
nun mur i ba bo cheo reom ja kku man heul leoss eo
ha ru ga ji na myeon jom na a jir deut han de na neun
dang choe meo rit sog e seo ji wo ji jir anh a na neun
sul ma si myeo nol da bo myeon ij eul beop do han de na neun
i sang ha ge us eum bo da a peum i deo manh a na neun
so what never wanna see you cry
and never ever wanna say goodbye
cham eur deus tto cham eur deus eok ji ro sum eur sam kyeo
su bam eur ji sae myeo ul go iss eo na neun
jom deo sol jik hi nan neo reur ij eul su ga eops eoss eo
jo geum deo sol jik hi nan a jig neo reur sa rang hae
mar mot ha go ji nae on ji nan nar a pa ha myeon seo
neur ma eum jor yeoss eo geu ri woss eo
bo go sip eo ha go peun geu mar dor a o ran mal
ni ga eops i nan an doel geos gat da neun geu mal
ni ga joh a haet deon ra di o ti bi e seo
u yeon hi deut ge doe gir gan jeol hi gi do hae
da si nae ge dor a or sun eopt neun geo ni
u ri sa rang haet deon ye jeon geu mo seub geu dae ro
ha ru jong ir du tong ttaem e yak gi un e chwi hae
sseu reo jil deus sseu reo jil deus nan tto cham a ya dwae
ha ru jong ir geu dae sa jin gwa chu eog e gi dae
neom eo jil deus neom eo jil deus nan tto cham a ya hae
bo go sip eo ha go peun geu mar dor a o ran mal
ni ga eops i nan an doel geos gat da neun geu mal
ni ga joh a haet deon ra di o ti bi e seo
u yeon hi deut ge doe gir gan jeol hi gi do deu ryeoss eo
i no rae ga nae yae gi gat da myeon
nun mur i nan da myeon geu sa ram chaj a yo
i no rae ga nae yae gi gat a seo
nun mur i nan da myeon geu sa ram ul li ji ma yo

MC Mong Biography

Profile of MC Mong

MC Mong (born on September 4, 1979) is a South Korean hip hop artist who is known for his comic disposition and his upbeat songs. He currently is a member of KBS's 1 Night, 2 Days, a part of the network's Happy Sunday line-up.


MC Mong first debuted as a member of People Crew, which debuted in 1998. Because he was overshadowed by other members in his group (as he was considered not as good-looking)[citation needed], he was not noticed until 2003, when he acted in MBC's Non-Stop 4. His albums are known mostly for their comedic styles (aided by humorous music videos), although his most recent album has taken on a slightly more serious tone. His nickname is "monkey", due to his resemblance to the animal; most Korean variety shows reference this. On a fall of 2006 episode of SBS's Ya Shim Man Man, he and his good friend Haha talked about their struggles when they were first trying to break into the industry. His parents had fought with him, telling him that he should not try to become a celebrity.[citation needed]

MC Mong's style falls into both the k-pop and Hip-hop genre. On top of his own rapping, MC Mong's songs frequently feature guest vocalists. For his third album, MC Mong flew to Tokyo, Japan to record a duet with Lisa, a former member of m-flo. MC Mong wanted a female vocalist to continue the sequel from his first album's "A Letter To You" which featured Lyn. Other vocalists featured in his album are Park Hyo Shin, Ivy, and MayBee.

In 2006, he proved his talents as a solo artist with his latest album The Way I Am. This album topped the charts on November 19, 2006, beating out "big names" like Rain and Se7en.

In 2007, he started an online shopping mall, and became a DJ on SBS Power FM, hosting "MC몽의 동고동락". He made another collaboration with Kim Tae Woo, making the single "So Fresh". At the end of 2007, MC Mong joined KBS's 1 Night, 2 Days, a part of the network's Happy Sunday line-up, as the replacement for Kim Jong Min.

In April of 2008, he released his 4th studio album, entitled Circus: Show's Just Begun. The first single and accompanying music video to the album is Circus.

MC Mong Feat. K.Will - Love 119

MC Mong Feat. K.Will - Love 119

(Nae shimjangi nae sarangi momchulgo gatado)

Na jigum apa yorina sumdo moshio
Mongdun gasumun ni irumman wichyo
I can't believe that it's over
Noranun yoja namegenun mojwo
Nae sarangun dan harudo moshio
Nae gasumun no obshinun moddwio
No obshinun mwol halsu igesso
I can't believe that it's over
I can't ever let you go
That's why you got to know
Jichyo ssurojil ddaeggaji na sarangul wonhago
Ijen jebal nal saranghaejwo
Hanabbunin girlfriend let's begin
Dashi shijakhae till the end

Nol saranghae sewori jinado
Nol saranghae sesangi byonhandaedo
Darun nugudo nol daeshin halsu obso
Nodo algo ijanha
Nae sarangun dan harudo moshio
No obshi nan hansun gando mosara
Niga issoyaman nan sumul shwio
Yongwonhi onjeggajina saranghae

Nae sarangun emergency
Dorawa give me one more chance to me
Orin dde onael su obnun man to be

Nae sarangun emergency
Dorawa give me one more chance to me
Orin dde onael su obnun man to be

Jebal naman sontaekhae make it hot
Ori sarangi buta borige
Norul mo bonun goboda
Charari dambaerul ggunhnun ge pyonhae
Ijen jebal nal saranghaejwo
Hanabbunin girlfriend let's begin
Dashi shijakhae till the end

Nol saranghae sewori jinado
Nol saranghae sesangi byonhandaedo
Darun nugudo nol daeshin halsu obso
Nodo algo ijanha
Nae sarangun dan harudo moshio
No obshi nan hansun gando mosara
Niga issoyaman nan sumul shwio
Yongwonhi onjeggajina saranghae

Shimjangi momchulgo gatado
Shimjangi momchulgo gatado
Nae sarang noui na idaero
Nae sarang noui na idaero

Komawo nal saranghae jwoso
Komawo nal uge haejwoso

(Nae shimjangi nae sarangi momchulgo gatado)

Naui nuni anin nae gasumuro hanun mal
Onjeggajina nol saranghae
Shibnyoni jinado
Kudae bamul bichunun jo byolchorom
Dashi hanbon tae onadorado
Kurohke nan kudaemanul saranghae

Back back I want it back
Himi dwil sarangul jikkyojwo
You you you got to know
Nomanul wihae I need your love

Back back I want it back
Himi dwil sarangul jikkyojwo
You you you got to know
Nomanul wihae I need your love